
Project Entre

“Entre” (A Distance Between) is a project realized in 2008 by 12 photographers on a proposal of Christian Caujolle. The collective propose many ways of seeing Europe. Each photographer met an European having left his country to come to live in Paris. From these exchanges rise photographic command, every photographer having for mission to bring from the country of origin an image representing an element, a place, a being precious to the expatriate. Starting point of European trip, this approach implies a reflection on the exile, the distance, the absence, the memory, the nostalgia – whatever are the causes. The photographer is also made as spokesman of a meeting between two universes, while the relationships of exile are reversed and he becomes the foreigner confronted with another culture for a journey. So by raising the question of the banishment of an European emigrated on its own continent, “Entre” comes there to question the notion of European identity through the photography. If it exists an European photography in gestation, it can doubtless feed on a reflection on territories, cultures and identities which make the European continent, by retranscribing through the image a memory brought back by the dialogue.

“Entre” was realized and displayed within the framework of the Month of the Photo 2008, the project was then exposed to the Biennial event Phodar in Bulgaria (in May-June, 2009), posted on  Arles walls (in July, 2009) and displayed in Photomonth of London (participative exhibition, October-December 2009).


Bulgaria journey:



  • « Entre, the « Order » audio slidshow:

Video part of the collective exhibiton  » Entre »
« Le mois de la Photo OFF », Paris 2008
Photographes :
Nicolas Friess (BULGARIE), Lucille Caballero (CHYPRE), Ivan Mathie (DANEMARK), Pierre Adrien Brazzini
(ESPAGNE), Judith Bormand (HONGRIE), Sophie Scher (ITALIE), Pierre Bagieu (LETTONIE), Annabelle
Lourenço (PORTUGAL), Lauriane Thiriat (REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE), Julie Balagué (ROUMANIE), Gabriel
Coutagne (ROYAUME-UNI), Loïc Molon (SLOVAQUIE), Alban Chassagne (SLOVENIE), William Gaye (SUEDE)
  • A Distance Between exhibition

October 23 & 24th, Pebbledash Gallery, London
Photomonth 2009 : East London Photography Festival
Réalisé en 2009 par ADB crew